Monday, January 30, 2012

Federal Reserve System Regulations - Reg D PART 204 - Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions

PART 204 - Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions
§ 204.4 Computation of required reserves.
(a) In determining the reserve requirement under this part, the amount of cash items in process of collection and balances subject to immediate withdrawal due from other depository institutions located in the United States (including such amounts due from United States branches and agencies of foreign banks and Edge and Agreement corporations) may be deducted from the amount of gross transaction accounts. The amount that may be deducted may not exceed the amount of gross transaction accounts.

(b) United States branches and agencies of a foreign bank may not deduct balances due from another United States branch or agency of the same foreign bank, and United States offices of an Edge or Agreement Corporation may not deduct balances due from another United States office of the same Edge or Agreement Corporation.

(c) Balances “due from other depository institutions” do not include balances due from Federal Reserve Banks, pass-through accounts, or balances (payable in dollars or otherwise) due from banking offices located outside the United States. An institution exercising fiduciary powers may not include in balances “due from other depository institutions” amounts of trust funds deposited with other banks and due to it as a trustee or other fiduciary.

(d) For institutions that file a report of deposits weekly, required reserves are computed on the basis of the institution's daily average balances of deposits and Eurocurrency liabilities during a 14-day computation period ending every second Monday.

(e) For institutions that file a report of deposits quarterly, required reserves are computed on the basis of the institution's daily average balances of deposits and Eurocurrency liabilities during the 7-day computation period that begins on the third Tuesday of March, June, September, and December.

(f) For all depository institutions, Edge and Agreement corporations, and United States branches and agencies of foreign banks, required reserves are computed by applying the reserve requirement ratios below to net transaction accounts, nonpersonal time deposits, and Eurocurrency liabilities of the institution during the computation period.

Reservable liability Reserve
Net Transaction Accounts:
$0 to reserve requirement exemption amount ($11.5 million) 0 percent of amount.
Over reserve requirement exemption amount $11.5 million) and up to low reserve tranche ($71.0 million) 3 percent of amount.
Over low reserve tranche ($71.0 million) $1,785,000 plus 10 percent of amount over $71.0 million.
Nonpersonal time deposits 0 percent.
Eurocurrency liabilities 0 percent.

[Reg. D, 74 FR 25637, May 29, 2009, as amended at 74 FR 52875, Oct. 15, 2009; 75 FR 65564, Oct. 26, 2010; 76 FR 68066, Nov. 3, 2011]

Note: Information provided above is As of  Read Date 1/30/12 ALL US Bank Laws pertaining to the FRS are subject to change and update and you MUST independently confirm as filing or relying.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

IRS Tax Rules § 1.61-1 Gross income

IRC - IRS Tax Rules / Definitions § 1.61-1   Gross income.
(a) General definition. Gross income means all income from whatever source derived, unless excluded by law. Gross income includes income realized in any form, whether in money, property, or services. Income may be realized, therefore, in the form of services, meals, accommodations, stock, or other property, as well as in cash. Section 61 lists the more common items of gross income for purposes of illustration. For purposes of further illustration, §1.61–14 mentions several miscellaneous items of gross income not listed specifically in section 61. Gross income, however, is not limited to the items so enumerated.
(b) Cross references. Cross references to other provisions of the Code are to be found throughout the regulations under section 61. The purpose of these cross references is to direct attention to the more common items which are included in or excluded from gross income entirely, or treated in some special manner. To the extent that another section of the Code or of the regulations thereunder, provides specific treatment for any item of income, such other provision shall apply notwithstanding section 61 and the regulations thereunder. The cross references do not cover all possible items.
(1) For examples of items specifically included in gross income, see Part II (section 71 and following), Subchapter B, Chapter 1 of the Code.
(2) For examples of items specifically excluded from gross income, see part III (section 101 and following), Subchapter B, Chapter 1 of the Code.
(3) For general rules as to the taxable year for which an item is to be included in gross income, see section 451 and the regulations thereunder.

As of Read Date 1/19/12 - ALL US TAX Rules subject to change and update and you MUST confirm as filing or relying. here to assist Business, Non Profit and Individual clients on CPA Services, Advisory, Compliance and more we go to the source to meet the rules that apply to your Financials. We work smart with networks and partnerships to provide broad solutions for Clients that meet the Client driven needs at hand. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

December 2011 - US Economic Report

Catching up with the Economy, the December 2011 - US Economic Report

Your Guide to the key Economic Indicators from December 2011








ECONI-2011-12 your solution set for CPA Services and Advisory available for Client support on Financial Services and General Business, Non Profits and Individual Financials, Accounting, Advisory and more.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

IRC on Books and Records § 1.57-5 Records to be kept.

IRC on Books and Records - IRS Tax Rules:
 § 1.57-5 Records to be kept.

(a) In general. The taxpayer shall have available permanent records of all the facts necessary to determine with reasonable accuracy the amounts described in §1.57–1. Such records shall include:

(1) In the case of amounts described in paragraph (a) of §1.57–1: the amount and nature of indebtedness outstanding for the taxable year and the date or dates on which each such indebtedness was incurred or renewed in any form; the amount expended for property held for investment during any taxable year during which such indebtedness was incurred or renewed; and the manner in which it was determined that property was or was not held for investment.

(2) In the case of amounts described in paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (e), and (h) of §1.57–1:

(i) The dates, and manner in which, the property was acquired and placed in service,

(ii) The taxpayer's basis on the date the property was acquired and the manner in which the basis was determined,

(iii) An estimate of the useful life (in terms of months, hours of use, etc., whichever is appropriate) of the property on the date placed in service or an estimate of the number of units to be produced by the property on the date the property is placed in service, whichever is appropriate, and the manner in which such estimate was determined,

(iv) The amount and date of all adjustments by the taxpayer to the basis of the property and an explanation of the nature of such adjustments, and

(v) In the case of property which has an adjusted basis reflecting adjustments taken by another taxpayer with respect to the property or taken by the taxpayer with respect to other property, the information described in paragraph (a)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section, with respect to such other property or other taxpayer.

(3) In the case of amounts described in paragraph (f) of §1.57–1, the fair market value of the shares of stock at the date of exercise of the option and the option price and the manner in which each was determined.

(4) In the case of amounts described in paragraph (g) of §1.57–1, the amount of debts written off and the amount of the loans outstanding for the taxable year and the 5 preceding taxable years or such shorter or longer period as is appropriate.

(b) Net operating losses. The taxpayer shall have available permanent records for the first taxable year in which a portion of a net operating loss was attributable to items of tax preference (within the meaning of §1.56A–2 (b)) and each succeeding taxable year in which there is a net operating loss or a net operating loss carryover a portion of which is so attributable. Such records shall include all the facts necessary to determine with reasonable accuracy the amount of deferred tax liability under section 56, including the amount of the net operating loss in each taxable year in which there are items of tax preference in excess of the minimum tax exemption (as determined under §1.58–1), the amount of the items of tax preference for each such taxable year, the amount by which each such net operating loss reduces taxable income in any taxable year, and the amount by which each such net operating loss is reduced in any taxable year.

[T.D. 7564, 43 FR 40479, Sept. 12, 1978, as amended by T.D. 8138, 52 FR 15309, Apr. 28, 1987]

A/O Read Date 1/10/12 ALL US TAX LAWS subject to change and update and you MUST confirm as filing or relying. your solution for Accounting, Taxes, Advisory, Reporting and more.  For Business, Non Profit and Individual needs in support of Financial Decision Making.